Thursday, April 14, 2011

8 Million Eggs To Hide!!

Hands down, I am a sucker for Easter egg hunts! When I was a kid we used to go to my Grandparents ranch in Kadoka, SD for spring break and we always had an Easter egg hunt...

...and believe it or not they HID the eggs...they weren't just thrown all over the yard...we actually had to look for them (and there were rattlesnakes in this country - our very lives were hanging by a thread)...but snakes be darned the Easter Bunny had come...if he got past the snakes then so could we!!

As an adult I wanted my kids to have that same experience (not the snake part) ... so I took my daughter to a town egg hunt...not quite the same... too many kids, no HIDDEN eggs, a literal free for all... not my kind of egg hunt.... so I took matters into my own hands...

I started planning my own and I wore a goofy hat that my girlfriend made me... 

...and over the years with the help of many other parents the egg hunts have grown into the kind that I got to experience as a kid. But... all of this takes great planning so last night a bunch of us got together to stuff eggs, get prizes ready and drink wine...

...we stuffed 12 million eggs...'s funny, it never really looks like that many until you start to hide them and then you can understand why people just throw them all over the lawn...

...BUT, our kids are tough and the lady in charge is nostalgic so the eggs will be hidden...

... and the hunt will be on...

Organically yours,
a.k.a. The Easter Egg Lady

P.S. I can't wait for Saturday!!

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