Thursday, June 30, 2011

Born In A Barn!

I often ask the inhabitants of my humble home, "Were you born in a barn?"...then I answer the question myself and tell them that I was present at their births and I distinctly recall that it WAS NOT A BARN!! My mother-in-law says she did not have her son in a barn either so how come my house often resembles one? This appears to be one of life's great mysteries which, brings me to my story. The other day I bought Ethan some window crayons just for fun...

...this was the result...

... seriously...

...I get no respect...

 ...but he did send some Tumbled Trinkets love...

The Organic "Born In A Barn Girl",


P.S. You may have noticed that my car windows are really dirty...and I have noticed that I really don't care!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Spatacular Weekend

My girlfriend and I decided we needed a trip to Meadow Creek Spa in Stanley, ID. Yes,  I know, needed is a rather subjective term but we really didn't care...we ran screaming into the night (actually it was 10:00 am but who's checking)...

...We optimistically wore sandals and capri's but it was so chilly that we had to put on winter we poked around town with our freezing feet...

...this was us before...

...this is me after... in dorky blissfulness...

...this is the view from the spa... was a grand weekend...

...and River 1 bought Tumbled Trinkets to put in their store...I love business trips!

The Back To Reality Organic Girl, 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Farmer's Market

Salmon, ID has a charming little Farmer's Market and like a lunatic I decided to do it the weekend after the Farm Chicks Show...I hear rest is WAY over rated but just to test that theory I'm headed to the Spa with my girlfriend next weekend!!

...most guys don't stay very long in our booth unless they have some serious fence mending to do and I don't mean actually mending a real fence... the corner of this picture Cheyenne has her "Help Me Go To College Jar," with her delicious chocolate covered rhubarb... has to be white chocolate and you have to eat the whole piece at once. It sounds weird but we are weird and I dare you to try it ...just tell everyone Tumbled Trinkets dared you to take a walk on the culinary wild side ...

...speaking of culinary delights, Miss Emily was delivering delicious food to Market Goer's throughout the day...

... glass wind-chimes and upcycled window wild flowers from our booth...

...paper gift bags made from an old atlas...

...rag ribbon made from sheets...

...a friendly reminder to repurpose...

 ...and RELAX...we're off to the Spa!!

The Organic "I Can't Wait To Go To The Spa" Girl,


P.S. Not all items shown are on my website so drop me a  line if something tickles your fancy.
P.S.S. This pic was taken last Fall but we feel we need to go to the Spa to get a new one!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Farm Chick Bliss

I've had approximately 5 days of rest and recovery after a wonderful Farm Chicks Show in Spokane last weekend so I figured it was high time to share some pictures and highlights...

Tumbled Trinkets set up... in this picture I have a "Peace Within" shirt from Rebecca at and she is one of the shows true gems!!

Customer LOvE...this lovely lady came to the show wearing a pair of my earrings!!!

More Customer cute is she in this apron!! 

...OK,  now I'm just showing off my little blue vintage dress...

 Machette Bette and Mom...

...LOvE the booth...

...and the stuff in it....

...eating/indulging at Chaps...

...Now, here's all of my happy purchases...these sweet little spoons came from, "Unexpected Necessities" can never go wrong with "Cowgirl Chocolate"... boys wanted a globe from "Full Of Pride"...

...without a doubt the cutest clothesline I have ever seen from "Cheryl's Barn"

 ...Close up of the cutest clothesline I've ever seen...

...My happiest purchase of the show...from Tina at "Tailfeathers"

...had to have it...

...can't brag enough about it!!!

...On the road back home, see you next year Farm Chicks...we simply love you all!!

The Organic Recovering from Farm Chick Bliss Girl,

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Farm Chicks Show

It's 5:42 the Monday morning after The Farm Chicks Show and our hotel room looks like a yard sale...

We had a blast... we ate too much and we saw so many exciting, creative, fantastic, stunning and simply WONDERFUL things...eye candy like you wouldn't's a small sampling of pics from Tumbled Trinkets and Machette Bette...

Our heads will be swimming with ideas for weeks!! We LOvE this show...but we have to turn into pumpkins and go back home...more details and pics to come!!

The Organic Farm Chick, 