Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Sun Is Shining In Arizona

In Idaho we have been suffering from cabin fever..so we left... and went as far South as we could possible go and believe it or not we finally found the sun. But, we didn't find it at the Grand Canyon...it was snowing and we had to wear winter coats!!

..this was taken at the very end of the day...we were cold "Hermits" by this time...

... everyone was a little cheeky...

...and I thought this was funny, because in the Grand Canyon everything is "Grand" and where the heck is "here"... 

...but it is truly spectacular and you simply must go...even if it's snowing...

..and you can't see the canyon.

Organically yours,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Results Of Our Spring "Can You Guess" Contest Are In

I am pleased to announce the winner of our "Can You Guess"  Spring contest!!! But, first I'm going to give you the low down on all the plants...which my cousin Kathy said (and I quote) "all looked like little green weeds"....I forgive her...after all she is an engineer...

#2...Strawberries...can't wait for these!!

# 3...Daffodils







And the winner is ....Miss Emily Cohen, who gets this fun little pair of pink upcycled glass earrings for Spring...

"Little green weeds."... indeed!!

Organically Yours, 

P.S. My cousin Kathy is one of my favorite people...even if she can't tell daffodils from spinach!! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Earrings Giveaway "Can You Guess" Spring Contest

Once again I ventured outside to find signs of life in my yard... 

...but this time the heavens shone upon me...

...I FOUND SOME...and I swore I heard angels singing...perhaps I shouldn't use the word "swore" in the presence of angels so let's just say I was exalted...

...sounds a little more biblical...

So, I took pictures and decided to run a glass earrings contest giveaway.  The object is to correctly name the plants in the order given and e-mail the answers to darcie@tumbledtrinkets.com 

The contest closes on Wednesday March 23rd at 5:00 pm MST. All the correct answers will be put in a hat and one lucky person will be randomly selected to receive this charming pair of upcycled pink glass earrings...

...great for Spring!!

In the event that no one guesses them all correctly we will put those who have the most correct answers in a hat and make a random drawing from that...hint, all plants are found in my yard in Salmon, ID.

*The answers must be listed in proper order and if you have any technical difficulties....don't call me.

Let's have fun! Good Luck...










Organically yours,

P.S. This is what it currently looks like outside...

...for the love of Pete!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mud, Strawberries And Cold Birds

 I went out to my lovely organic garden to check for signs of life and found...mud. 

Spring needs to come soon because I just paid full price for organic strawberries...full price!!! I justified it with the rationale that I don't drink fancy coffee which means I have saved myself thousands of dollars over my relatively young life therefore I was completely justified in my actions...

...then I went back and bought some more...

...but I did see a robin...which is good because if Spring doesn't come soon....

...I'll go broke buying strawberries!!

Organically yours,

P.S. This is is not a recent picture of a baby robin....I couldn't get a recent one because today it was snowing and all the birds looked like this...


Check out our Spring birds...

...to warm your heart!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Now That's For The Birds

Remember my previous hint about my newest design for upcycled glass pins...if not, here's a refresher...

Spring has arrived at Tumbled Trinkets,
Organically Yours,


 P.S. "That's for the birds"... the meaning of this phrase is as follows; trivial, of only interest to gullible people...in lay-mens terms it means your a sucker. Call me gullible and call me a sucker because these sweet  recycled glass bird pins have got me hook line and sinker!!! Happy Spring.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Debbie's Hoarding Dilemma

My dear friend Debbie thinks she may have a hoarding problem ...

She has over 25 pairs of upcycled glass earrings and just about every glass pin I've ever made...

She showed me her stash the other day and exclaimed, "don't you think I have a problem".....

"No" I replied.... but I'm her earring pimp so I may not be the best person to ask......as a matter a fact....

... I told her she's going to love the new recycled glass pins coming out this week...she laughed got a twinkle in her eye and ripped up her application for the show "Hoarders"....stay tuned...

If you need an earring pimp...I'm your girl, 


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm Skipping Yoga For Welding - Part I

Tonight I'm skipping yoga for welding. Now, yoga helps me slow down and breathe and I don't usually breathe unless it's absolutely necessary therefore, I find yoga to be very beneficial. 

But, last year I took a welding class during a SEVERE bought with cabin fever and LOVED it!! It just happens to be on the same night as yoga but I can still go on Thursday...which could cause a few breathing difficulties between now and then but I've managed with short shallow breaths my entire life so I should be just fine...

Now, the first thing I learned in welding was to wear the grubbiest clothes you have...cute don't cut it  - your hair gets smashed under a helmet and your clothes get spark holes so, save cute for yoga ...

Timid doesn't cut it either...even though you could possibly electrocute yourself, melt the corneas of your eyeballs, or get molten metal on your shoes...

...oh yeah, wear old crappy shoes...

Safety is key... see above mentioned scenarios...

...Listen to your teacher...because he/she has probably seen the above mentioned scenarios...

Start welding and hold your breath....because when you are done....

...you'll probably look like this!

Happy Welding,